Monday, June 26, 2006

Psalm 62 Waiting for God

I wait quietly for God’s touch in my heart.
In that is my strength and my salvation.
Remembering that touch, I am free.
  The day’s events do not shake me.
I am often besieged, from within and without
  by forces that would topple me—
Doubts, difficulties, enemies, depressions,
   my own double-mindedness.
I wait quietly for God’s touch in my heart—
  In that touch I know my strength and my salvation.
Put your trust in God
   pour out your heart and find refuge
For people, leaders, and nations are all temporal.
  Idolizing wealth is foolish.
Our education and good deeds take us only so far.
When God speaks in our hearts—
that is what gives life its shine.
It opens us to love and helps us to be loving.
Therefore I wait quietly for God’s touch in my heart.

1 comment:

Gurdonark said...

I like this impression very much. Thank you for sharing it.